So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.
Romans 12:5
Complete the Membership & Ministry Update Form below with basic information such as your name and current contact information. This will allow for church notices and updates to be easily sent to you via mail, email, or WhatsApp.
There is also a section of the form that identifies parish ministries, where God may be leading you to use your spiritual gifts. You may select more than one ministry. Some ministries will call for a process of discernment (Is this what God wants me to do?) and training sessions (to equip the saints for the work of ministry, Ephesians 4: 12).
Kindly complete this form online*, and please ensure to provide accurate and active contact numbers and e-mail addresses, as these will be the primary means by which the church will reach you.
*Alternatively, forms are also available from the Church Office.